Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekend Warriors

I only went back to work on Thursday as my sickness brought home from Florida kept me on the couch for a few extra days :(, but Friday still couldn't come quick enough!! Friday night we met up with a few friends and attended the first of many wedding events for our friends Matt and Jenn, their Jack and Jill! I went home early to avoid getting worse, but I am assuming the rest of the night went well as Scott didn't crawl into bed until well after 2!!
The next day we had planned to head to Pete's cottage and I got the urge to put some love into baking so I made some mini cupie cakes! Aren't they adorable?! Props to Scottie's mom for the wonderful baking bundle for my Birthday that allowed me to create these masterpieces!

We had a great time at the cottage playing games and eating guilt free junk food! The weather could not have been better, nor the company!

Missing in action: Peter Fair
Another weekend down and back to Monday, but hey life could be worse :)
Emma B
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Trip of Many Firsts

My sister, Melissa, and Scott and I headed south to see my parent's in Florida last week. 2 days in we boarded a cruise out of Miami for 5 days that took us to Key West and Cozumel, Mexico.

It was a trip of many firsts for Scott and I. Here are just a few...

First...Valentine's Day at sea! (with my parents :s)
First...Birthday when I couldn't eat my cake :(
First...Snorkelling expedition for Scotty (he giggled like a little kid about it!)
First...Time in Mexico for my peach and first time I have seen someone balance 3 margaritas on their head in any country!! together
First...meeting Scott had with someone who talked more than him ;) Thanks Anderson!
First...greeting card I have ever received from Scott! Only took 3 years and multiple occasions. As well as First Spanish birthday card!

We really enjoyed our time down there and we had a blast. And we would like to thank the gods for not letting this happen to us...

Here are just a few more shots of our mid-winter getaway! Miss you already Mom and Dad xoxo!!

Already counting down to summer now that I am back in the cold, brrrrrr.

My Daddy sure does love his gelato! This time in Key West :)

Scotty trying to hide his racoon eyes ;)
I was sicker than I have been in awhile but I loved spending my 24th Birthday with the whole family!

 Until next time,
 Emma B

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My 1st Blog Post Ever....And Definetly Not My Last!!

Eeeekkkk!! I can't believe I am doing this! Here we go....
A little about me first I guess: I live in a small Ontario town in a comfy little house with my boyfriend of just over three years, Scott and our baby, our cat Clay Bear. 

Our Clay Bear - He is soooo much bigger now!

Scotty and I - photo props to

Scott is the love of my life and is my inspiration to try some new things, which is why I recently started baking(after he bought my a KitchenAid stand mixer for Xmas!!), exercising and now blogging!! When I finished school and entered the working world, I am a bookkeeper at a not-for-profit currently, I was kind of in a rut as school had usually taken up my every waking moment. I didn't know what to do with myself. I have tried a few things: hot yoga, volleyball, etc; but i still felt like my life had little purpose. I tried to turn over a new leaf in September when I got a new job and I have really enjoyed trying some new things and just enjoying the new experiances as I go rather than thinking that every experiance has to have meaning....sometimes they can just be fun!! So this is a chronicle of my journey to find purpose, and the occasionaly meaningless fun....Enjoy!!  

XO Emma B

P.S. - My sister started calling me Bean when I was a kid, don't ask me why?! But it stuck and now Scott even uses it! I used to hate it, but have come to rather enjoy it and the love that usually comes with the term :)